CCK11 - Well, it's week 4 and I have not quite managed to catch up with all the reading.
Possibly the highlight of the course was the rather wonderful comment that 'life's too short to read critical theorists.
On the plus side, I am still super impressed by Elluminate and the live sessions. Maybe the discourse is not quite as rigorous as it might be in a 'real' seminar, but that's just a hunch, as it's been a while that I attended one.
A thriving Facebook Group has been established, with people generously sharing their knowledge, links etc.
I decided to follow one of them up - Wolfgang Greller over on his blog is offering a round-up of MOOCs.
Two interesting concepts mentioned are density and sustainability, ie the knowledge repository that is a MOOC will be available for reference on the web.
I like the concept of of density as a (presumably) measurable dimension of knowledge clouds, which Wolfgang brings up in his blog. It would be interesting to elaborate on this further.
I imagine, that the higher the number of connections, links, twitter feeds etc the higher the density the knowledge cloud.
But, as Wolfgang stated, the fragmentation of the knowledge and potentially tricky task of figuring out if web-based content actually makes sense is the difficult issue, particularly for novices to a subject.
Qualitative evaluation of material remains difficult - hence presumably the further need for accredited content - which would usually not be free. Or possibly it's self-selecting - crowd sourced knowledge would determine the validity of content and reduce density accordingly.
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